Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Wonderful Writing Process

Writing is like baking!  You start off with a handful of ingredients such as eggs, butter, flour, coffee, vanilla extract, and cocoa powder and eventually end up with a mouth-watering, beautifully put together Devil’s Food Chocolate Cake.  But, in order to go from a bunch of random ingredients to a savory masterpiece, a process must be followed: Nana’s famous recipe of course!  Writing is just like baking.  You can have a bunch of random skills and thoughts to start with but a process must be followed, much like a recipe, in order to turn your random “ingredients” into a beautifully crafted literary work of art.

When baking a cake, the process includes making a list of all the ingredients; going to the grocery store to buy those ingredients; blending all the ingredients together, following the recipe; tasting the batter to see what needs to be tweaked; and the best part, sharing your delicious creation with friends and family.  Similarly, the writing process is a 5-Step process that includes gathering thoughts (Pre-Writing), blending them all together (Writing), tweaking and adding finishing touches (Revising &Editing), and finally ending up with a noteworthy final product that is ready to be shared (Publishing)!

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